Social Security: What does the future hold?
Co-hosted by AARP Minnesota and the St. Cloud State University Center for Economic Education
Join us for an in-person event that brings together a St. Cloud StateUniversity economics professor and AARP experts who will kickstart alively discussion about the future of Social Security. We’ll delve into theeconomics and realities of the program including impending challengessuch as demographic shifts and funding issues. Your insights andquestions are invaluable as we collectively explore the impact of SocialSecurity on our financial security and its role in society. Whether you’renearing retirement or simply curious, this session invites you to be a partof the conversation, empowering you to contribute and learn about theevolving landscape of Social Security.
Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CST
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
10 - 11:30 a.m.
St. Cloud State University Welcome Center
355 5th Ave S, St Cloud, MN 56301
Free and accessible parking available.