Chamber Connection: Headwaters Strategic Succession Consulting LLC
Chamber Connection is a fun and informal networking group open to all members of the St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce. The group meets every Friday morning from 7:30-9:00 a.m. at various locations.
Meetings usually include networking and a continental breakfast from 7-7:30 am, followed by introductions from everyone, two business presentations, and time to exchange business leads and information at the end of each meeting. Approximately 75 - 125 people attend Chamber Connection each week.
The cost to attend is $1 and a business card at the door.
FOR THE SEPTEMBER 22 MEETING: Please park in the lots indicated below, either behind American Heritage National Bank or in the Loffler Companies parking lot adjacent to the bank and located at 3051 2nd Street S., do not park at M&H Appliance or Granite City Pet Hospital.
Opportunities to host or co-host a Chamber Connection are available.
Please call Michelle Henderson at 612-845-2113 or
Date and Time
Friday Sep 22, 2023
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
7:00 a.m. - Event opens for networking
7:30 a.m. - Introductions start
American Heritage National Bank (Downstairs)
2915 2nd Street S
St. Cloud, MN
Special instructions: Please use the parking lot in the rear of the building or park on the access street in back and enter thru the downstairs doors. DO NOT park in front of the building at the main entrance.
Bring $1 and a business card.
Contact Information
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