With the goal of keeping you informed and up to date, these news bites feature local, regional and national news items that relate to the business community in Central Minnesota.
Election anxiety in the workplace: Election season is upon us, and we know that emotions are running high. To address these concerns, CentraCare Occupational Health is committed to providing resources that can help employers support the emotional and mental well-being of their teams. Learn more
On the Ballot - Fire Station 6: The St. Cloud Fire Department is a full-service, full-time emergencyresponse organization slated to exceed 10,000 fire, emergency medical, and rescue incidents this year. To maintain services and community protection as our population and emergency incident numbers grow, a referendum is being proposed. Learn more
Local races to watch: The St. Cloud Area Chamber along with other area partners hosted several candidate forums in the weeks leading up to the 2024 election. You can view them here before election day:Â
AI in MN: With more than 1.6 million jobs in occupations that are highly exposed to AI, Minnesota has a high concentration of employment that will be impacted. Learn more
Rail Study Stakeholder Meetings: MnDOT is hosting a series of stakeholder meetings to gain a deeper understanding of community needs and to discuss potential benefits and challenges that should be considered in the planning process for the Twin Cities to Fargo-Moorhead Rail Study. RSVP for the November 7th St. Cloud meeting or for the November 13th All Areas meeting.
Save the Date for the 2025 Minnesota Redevelopment Conference: Minnesota DEED will be hosting the Brownfields and Beyond: 2025 Minnesota Redevelopment Conference on Thursday, April 24, 2025 to Friday, April 25, 2025 at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Learn more
U.S. Chamber Election Primer: There is likely to be record or near-record turnout for this year’s election. The closeness of this election and the variety of voting and vote-counting procedures mean we may not know the outcome as quickly as we would like. Here's a look at the timeline.
DEED Small Business Call: The meeting, which is the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 2:00 p.m., is an opportunity for small business owners to have a conversation with business experts and their peers. Add to calendar